How To Reduce The Risk of Your Bike Being Stolen
Welcome to our guide on how to reduce the risk of your beloved bicycle being stolen! As a cyclist, there's nothing quite like the feeling of the wind in your hair and the freedom of the open road. However, with that freedom comes the responsibility of keeping your bike safe and secure. Fortunately, there are practical steps you can take to reduce the risk of your bike being stolen, and we're here to show you how. Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or just starting out, our tips and tricks will help keep your steed safe and give you the peace of mind to enjoy your rides to the fullest.

Keep It Close By
We know it's not always possible, but whenever you're out in public try to keep your bike within eye shot.
This helps to deter thieves and allows you to respond quickly to intervene. It will also provide peace of mind. When your bike is within your line of sight, you can relax and enjoy your surroundings without worrying about the safety of your bike. This can be especially important when you're traveling or exploring new areas where you may not be familiar with the security risks.

Remove Your Valuables
If you have a bike computer, bags, lights, or other accessories that can be easily removed, bring them with you when you leave your bike. This will make your bike less attractive to thieves.
If you're worried about your wheels, you can buy a security quick release axel. These axels can only be removed using a specific and uncommon tool, which reduces your risk of them being stolen. They work on road, gravel, and mountain bikes (be sure to ask our team if you're unsure if it will fit your frame).

Consider a Bike Alarm
We stock a range of devices that set off an alarm if your bike moves or a lock is tampered with. Some of these devices can even send alerts and location status to your smartphone.
These devices are most effective if they're within ear shot of your location, but some may act as a deterrent too.
Our most recent addition in this category is the Knog Scout. This novel device acts as an alarm and bike locator. Many of Garmin's bike computers also have alarm functionality, as do some of the Abus locks we stock.
Ask our team which bike alarm is right for you.

Lock It Up Securely
Locking your bike up properly can help reduce your risk of your bike being stolen. You should use a high-quality lock, such as a U-lock or heavy-duty chain lock, and lock your bike to a sturdy object, such as a bike rack or a pole that is cemented in the ground. Ideally, you want to lock your bike frame and your wheels to a bike rack. This does require two locks usually (one for each wheel).
Bike lockers are a good option for regular commuters.
You can find more information about Kelowna's bike lockers and bike racks here.

Register Your Bike
Project 529 (and other bike registers) help to reunite owners with their bikes if they're stolen - and then later recovered. The Project 529 shields may also act as a deterrent. They're tamper resistant and they can make it harder for thieves to flip the bike. They make it easier to recover your bike later too.